Ruka hadi kwenye maudhui makuu


  • 1.) Knowledge is a weapon.

  • 2.)The heart speaks too much and the mind too little.

  • 3.) You only need to be the person of what the situation needs you to be, nothing more, nothing less.


Machapisho maarufu kutoka blogu hii


Always take a walk when going for an exam. Pop your phone into an empty glass to get loud wake up call. Keep eating dark chocolates. It’s helpful for the brain. Learn from video blogs for better concentration & easy understanding. Spray an unfamiliar scent while you're studying. Spray it again right as you're about to take the test. The scent will jog your memory. Keep playing  fun brain games for better understanding & better focus. Take notes using different colored pens. This will fire up your visual memory. Keep giving yourself short breaks while studying. For history and anthropology classes, watch a documentary on the topic. Study with a friend group (You will never hesitate to ask a question) When crunched for time, listen to recorded lectures at double the speed. Don’t study with your girlfriend or boyfriend. (You will not able to focus) Keep arguing with better students. (Poss...

Change Your Habit

To be fair, your brain certainly loves habits. Why? Because they’re a repetition of certain behaviors over time. The more you repeat them, the more your brain is used to them. Chances are that you’re already practicing many habits every day, even if you’re not aware of it. Scrolling through Tik Tok videos on your phone as soon as you wake up. Brushing your teeth from top to bottom, or left to right. Preparing the same type of breakfast each morning. Choosing your favorite spices to add to a meal. Also that bad habit you have when you’re stressed — biting your nails, lighting a cigarette, taking a second beer out of the fridge, helping yourself to more potato chips, staying up half the night watching TV. All of those behaviors — whether you think they’re good or bad — are habits. When you start practicing a new habit you believe to be good for you, your brain resists. It's as if it’s telling you:  Why are you getting up so early? We like it here in this warm bed! Why don’t you have ...

12 Life Lessons People Learn Too Late

  There are so many events in our lives that teach us very important life lessons and change our personality completely. Just like that there are some things that we don’t learn in time, and when we realize, the time had passed and we suffer a lot. Here we are going to discuss some points that if learned on time, can save us from suffering. 1- Everything is Temporary The very first thing you need to learn is that neither personality nor blessing is permanent in your life. When you understand this, you stop forcing people to stay in your life and let the person leave who wants to leave, you no longer force any relationship. This makes you very strong mentally because when you stop forcing people to stay in your life then no other person can make you happy or sad. You become the only reason for your happiness and sadness. In short, you become an Autophile. 2- Life isn’t Fair Secondly, you have to absorb that nobody is granted a perfect life, you have to make it perfect. Because when ...